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Earlier we looked at the strategy of value investing in the stock market and how it works. Now we will explore speculative investing as a strategy for investing in the stock market.
Unlike value investors who buy shares on the basis of long-term growth and returns having evaluated the share and business, speculative investors buy a stock anticipating that its price will go up within a short time or that? it is about to pay out good dividends. For example, using the PesaPortfolio we purchased shares in NIC Bank one month before their rights issue was to begin in anticipation that the share?s price would rise because of investor interest from the rights issue.
Speculative investing is associated with higher risk than value investing as a stock?s price may not rise as anticipated or could rise then drop suddenly. Such stocks whose price is prone to sudden spikes or dips are known as speculative stocks.?? A principle of speculative investing in stocks is technical analysis. This is analyzing the past price or volume fluctuations of a share in order to determine whether to buy it or not. Technical analysis is purely market based meaning it only examines a share?s market data without taking into account aspects of the business.
The underlying principle behind speculative investing is speculation?(obviously)? carrying out risky financial transactions with the aim to profit in the short-term from the fluctuations in the market value of a good or financial instrument. Speculation is not limited to stock markets, and happens in other markets e.g. Kenya?s land and housing markets. The common symptom of speculation is that prices of the good(s) under speculation rise within a relatively short period.
In the Kenyan stock market, occurrences such as the release of earnings, dividend announcements, re-branding exercises and changes in management? often coincide with rising stock prices as speculative investors respond to these occurrences.
American economist Benjamin Graham, co-author of the book Security Analysis published in 1934 and considered to be the bible for serious stock investors, listed the types of speculative investments in the stock market:
?Speculative Investing in the Kenyan Stock Market
There is a general consensus that most investors in the Kenyan stock market are speculative investors seeking short-to-medium term capital gains and dividends from their shares. Before disappointment from the Safaricom IPO in 2008 and the collapse of a handful of stock brokers dampened local investor interest in the stock market, the NSE was rife with speculative investment.
As more and more Kenyans put their money in the stock market to experience short term capital gains on the back of the successful Kengen IPO in 2006, stock prices rose carrying the NSE 20 Share Index to an all time high of 6,000 points in 2007. Today this index is at 3,809.78 points. When stock prices ceased rising after the 2007 general elections, Kenyan investors left the stock market as the opportunity for short-term capital gains diminished. A report by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) has revealed that the holding of shares by local investors at the bourse has fallen to 69.5 percent from 78.1 percent two years ago.
Advantages of Speculative Stock Investing
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Laurier coaches to participate in Go Shoeless
WATERLOO, Ont. (September 28, 2012) - This weekend, three Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks coaching staffs will be participating in Right To Play's Go Shoeless campaign, which is being run in conjunction with CBC's Sports Day in Canada.
Football head coach Gary Jeffries and his staff along with women's lacrosse head coach Lynn Orth and women's rugby's Amy Bambury and Michelle Joslin will all take part in the event by not wearing shoes on the sidelines and sporting Right To Play hats.?The goals of this unique campaign are to pay tribute to the importance of coaches, to raise awareness about the conditions that some coaches and children endure while exercising their right to play and to raise funds to help build a safe play space for kids in Western Africa.
Right To Play is a global organization that uses the transformative power of play to educate and empower children facing adversity in more than 20 countries. A pioneer in its field, Right To Play uses sport and play as tools to build essential life skills and create social change, impacting 835,000 children each week. Programming in Canada includes the enhancement of education in priority schools, and the Promoting Life-skills in Aboriginal Youth (PLAY) program in Northern Ontario. Founded in 2000 by four-time Olympic gold medalist and social entrepreneur Johann Olav Koss, our programs are facilitated by nearly 12,000 volunteer Coaches.
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Panama's legislature has approved a draconian file sharing law that gives law enforcements free hand to pursue and punish file sharers directly, and grants officials bonuses based on fines levied.
?Proyecto 510-2012 ?On Copyright and Related Rights,? or the 510 Bill, which legal watchdog InfoJustice calls "incredibly unbalanced," was passed in the Panamanian Congress Thursday. It is now awaiting the approval of President Ricardo Martinelli, which could happen in the immediate future.
The bill, which Andres Guadamuz at tech-law blog TechnoLlama called the "worst copyright law in history," was written by Panamanian officials in order to bring the country's Internet regulations into accordance with the US-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement ? but overshoots many of the requirements it's meant to fulfill.
For example, it ascribes copyrighted status to temporary electronic files, like those held in a computer's random access memory (commonly known as RAM). According to InfoJustice, the 510 Bill is unique among national Internet laws in that it does not contain provisions for these so-called "transient" and "incidental" files. This means that users who stream paid-for content through services like Netflix or Pandora could be prosecuted and fined as much as $100,000, or $200,000 for repeat offenders, for having copyrighted material on their computers.
It also gives law enforcement officers incentives to punish file sharers ? over and over, if they see fit ? as the money collected from the fines goes directly to the Panamanian copyright office's bonus pool, with the copyright holder not seeing a dime. ?The funds accrued by the General Copyright Directorate from the fees for the services it provides and the fines imposed in the exercise of its powers, will be aimed at improving its operational infrastructure and to boost the performance of its officers," the law reads.
However, the file sharer could still be liable to civil action should the copyright holder wish to file for it. And if convicted in either case, file sharers could be forced to pay for the publication of a press release noting that they've been fined for piracy.
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This article is part of our series for?Social Media Week London. Read all the posts in this series.
During Social Media Week, there is bound to be a lot of matchmaking going on between employers and job seekers. In London?where I am now?there are a few networking events and even a few seminars dedicated to helping people break into the industry.
But if you?re on the other side of the fence?looking to hire a community manager?read this first.
Many businesses know the buzz words or the basic functions of the role, but don?t have clarity as to what they actually need or what a community manager does beyond tweeting and posting.
At its most basic, a community manager?s job is to drive visibility and engagement of a brand via social media channels. At the tactical level, this means managing several streams of content on a variety of different platforms. They have to be careful to position their company in the best possible light while being responsive to all kinds of comments, questions, and yes, at times, rage?all on (very) public forums. All while projecting an approachable, knowledgeable, and genuine brand personality. Oh, and they often have to limit the space in which they have to do this down to the character.
Community managers also have to source and create consistent, reliable streams of content that are relevant to both the business and their audience for all of these channels. And each channel has its own rules, limitations, etiquette, and best practices.
A community manager should have an excellent handle on engagement and visibility metrics. They need to be able to gauge the effectiveness of both individual pieces of content as well as the program as a whole. If your community manager has some marketing operations background, they may be adept at integrating these social-specific metrics with marketing campaigns and programs focused on customer acquisition and conversion.
As most people in the industry will tell you, very few brands actually have large teams of community managers at the ready. Often it?s one person internally (occasionally with the help of an agency) who?s trying to keep their head above water doing all the content, customer service, reporting, strategy, operations, thought leadership, and whatever else the organization needs in terms of social media marketing.
In short, to be a community manager you have to be a bit masochistic in addition to being passionate and slightly nerdy about the ever-changing technology landscape, get excited about connecting to people and starting conversations, and have a healthy dose of competitive drive.
But all those characteristics can quickly lead to burnout as well. When you?re planning to hire a community manager, make sure you create a contingency plan. A community manager will get sick, take a holiday, or need to unplug a bit just like everyone else. Your company needs to have a backup plan to make sure your community manager isn?t a walking zombie after three months on the job.
Community managers also have to be quick-witted enough to capitalize on opportunities as they arise. The window of social media opportunity lasts about as long as a Kardashian marriage. News stories and memes become pass? at an extraordinarily fast rate. It?s an extraordinary balancing act: chime in too early, and your audience may not have a clue what you?re referencing; chime in too late and your brand may seem rather uncool.
In addition, having excellent relationships with internal business partners is key. Why? Community managers will field a wide range of questions from best practices, to support, to sales, to PR. They have to know either what the right answer is or know where to find it quickly.
However, most often a community manager?s role extends far beyond this description. Sometimes this is out of necessity because many companies (especially small and medium sized businesses) don?t have social media-specific roles beyond this title. Other times community managers started off in other specialties?content creation, marketing, and PR are probably the most common. Think about where the community manager will sit in your organization?and what other needs you might have. Don?t have enough people writing content for your blog? Choose someone who can help fill in there as well.
Even if your organization has a social strategist or director, hiring someone who has skills in a variety of areas makes good sense. Social is cross-functional by nature and intersects with almost every area of the business. For example, a background in SEO is very helpful, as are experience in other technical areas such as photo and video editing and even some light coding skills (hello custom Facebook apps).
Also, if your company doesn?t have a digital strategist or a marketing manager who truly understands how to use social for programs and campaigns that drive business, the burden of social business integration might fall to this person as well. Or at least it is often this person banging the drum. Ideally, social should already be integrated into all areas of business. But practically speaking, this level of change management hasn?t occurred at most businesses both large and small.
What about you? What?s on your community manager wish list? Let us know in the comments below!
Constant Contact?s Social Media Week London event on Thursday is sold out, but you can watch via this livestream link.
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If Google-lovin' Koreans were a little jealous after seeing Eric Schmidt turn up in Japan with a Nexus 7-shaped gift under his arm, they needn't be. It looks like the Executive Chairman brought another one along with him on his Asian travels. It wasn't just the hardware that came along for the ride either, with The Next Web reporting that the firm also made movies available in the countries edition of Google Play. The Korean asking price will be a reported KRW 299,000 (about $267) for the 16GB edition, a smidgen less than its neighbor's (¥19,800 / $312). We suspect, though, not quite enough to warrant a ferry ride.
Filed under: Tablets
Nexus 7 comes to South Korea, causes price envy across the water originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 11:17:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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You can make collages out of your digital photos for free using Windows Photo Gallery or Picasa, so why would you download a whole app just for this activity? Because Picture Collage Maker Pro ($39.90) goes far beyond those free apps with a wealth of templates, clip art, frames, and backgrounds to help you produce something really unique and impressive. A free 15-day trial version is available, and a Mac version of the non-Pro version costs $29.90 and commercial single-user licenses run $30 more for each.
Picture Collage's interface feels a bit dated, but it's very functional, flexible, and a pleasure to work in. Drag-and-drop is supported wherever you'd want it, as is live resizing and rotating of any objects in your design by dragging on controls. When you first run Picture Collage Maker, a small dialog box presents you with four button options: Create Blank Collage, Template Collage Wizard, Create From Template, and Grid Collage Wizard.
To start with, I chose Blank. The next step is to choose dimensions, resolution (DPI), and orientation for your collage. You can choose from 18 commonly needed preset sizes or just enter your own custom dimensions. Next you're taken to the main interface, with its three panel view for your document in the center, a left panel for templates, backgrounds, photos, masks, frames, clipart and shapes, and a right-panel for page and layer navigation. Along the top is a tool button bar for standard file actions like new, open, save, along with more design-oriented choices like Template, Collage, Add photos, Share (or print), and Wizard. You can customize all the program's panels and toolbars, including just what you need.
The template collage wizard is the easiest way to set about creating your memory document. You start by adding photos from your hard drive or connected memory media?you can even add a whole folder at once. Then you choose a template: there are 117 templates in four categories, including calendars, greeting cards, layouts (photo jumbles and grids), and photo albums. You can also download more templates, or create your own. After choosing a template, you simply hit Finish.
All the control you get with arranging your visual creation comes in at this point. You can change the background and add frames, clipart, or shapes. There's a generous selection of frame styles?138 in all, including classic old-picture style frames, wood, and hanging postcard styles. The 114 backgrounds range from wallpaper to textures to greeting card styles, and you can use your own image if you like. But there's no option to melt the photos together with feathered edges the way you can with Windows Photo Gallery, and no Polaroid borders like those in Picasa.
Generous, too are the 151 clip art choices, with speech bubbles, numbers and letters, cartoon objects, flowers, and holiday imagery. Shapes include arrows, lines, rectangles, circles, hexagons, and crosses. These can all be stretched and transformed to taste, using control points.
Text options are there but somewhat limited. You can add text from fonts on your system, resize it, stretch it, and rotate it. You can even add a drop shadow. But there's no stroke feature to highlight characters, and you can't wrap text around a curve, the way you can in Photoshop Elements. Picture Collage Maker's text also isn't WYSIWYG?you can't type on the collage, just in a text dialog box.
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JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu will argue for the need to set a "red line" for Iran's nuclear program in his U.N. speech on Thursday, a confidant to the prime minister said, playing down differences with Washington.
Netanyahu faces the world body a day after U.S. President Barack Obama disappointed some Israelis by imposing no ultimatum to the Iranians in his own address, though he did warn that time for diplomacy with Tehran "is not unlimited".
Israel sees a mortal threat in a nuclear-armed Iran and has long threatened to strike its arch-foe pre-emptively, agitating war-wary world powers as they pursue sanctions and negotiations.
Complicating Netanyahu's strategy have been his testy relations with Obama as a U.S. election looms, and the reluctance of many Israelis to trigger an unprecedented conflict with Iran, which denies that it is seeking to develop nuclear weapons and has pledged wide-ranging retaliation if attacked.
"The prime minister has already presented red lines in the past. But we have yet to persuade the entire world to present those same red lines," Environment Minister Gilad Erdan, an influential member of Netanyahu's rightist Likud party, told Israel's Channel Two television.
He said Netanyahu, in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly, "will present them again, will explain why there is a danger not just to Israel, but to the whole West, to the United States, to the whole free world, should Iran pass a certain (nuclear) threshold".
Netanyahu has said that Iran could have enough low-enriched uranium by early 2013 to refine to a high level of fissile purity for a first nuclear device. Israel worries that this final step, if taken, could happen too quickly or quietly to be prevented.
Iran has said it has no plans to enrich uranium beyond the 20 percent purity required to run a reactor producing medical isotopes. That level, however, brings raw uranium exponentially closer to the 90 percent enrichment required for a bomb.
Though reputed to have the Middle East's sole nuclear arsenal, Israel's forces would be hard-put to deliver lasting damage to Iran's remote facilities and handle a multi-front war.
Locating a completed nuclear warhead in Iran, Erdan said, "would be almost impossible, whereas today we still know where the production facilities of that nuclear warhead are".
Netanyahu's public calls for a U.S. ultimatum have deepened acrimony with Obama, a Democrat accused by his Republican rivals of being soft on the Jewish state's security.
The Israeli prime minister denies meddling in the November presidential election in the United States, and Erdan shrugged off his spats with Obama.
"I have no intention of whitewashing and say there are no disagreements between Obama and Netanyahu. But it still doesn't mean anything. Even between a married couple there are sometimes difficult disagreements. It still doesn't mean the pact between them becomes less solid," Erdan said.
Netanyahu, who heads a broad-based, conservative coalition government, said he would take the U.N. podium for an Israel "united in the goal of preventing Iran from achieving nuclear weaponry".
But surveys show that most Israelis - apparently swayed by the open dissent of several senior national-security figures - would oppose launching unilateral strikes on Iran, given the risk of alienating Washington and of sparking knock-on clashes with Tehran's Islamist militant allies in Lebanon and Gaza.
A poll published by the liberal Haaretz newspaper on Thursday found that 50 percent of Israelis feared for the survival of their country, should there be a conflict.
Israeli opposition leader Shaul Mofaz criticized Netanyahu for sparring with Obama and voiced confidence in U.S. resolve.
"I am convinced that the United States, the president of the United States, is determined to prevent Iran going nuclear," Mofaz told Israel's Army Radio.
Even within Netanyahu's coalition there have been misgivings about the pitch of disagreement with the United States.
Danny Ayalon, deputy to Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, described Obama's Iran remarks at the United Nations as "important, albeit measured".
Speaking on Israel Radio, Ayalon said the Netanyahu government and Obama administration were in discreet contacts and approaching agreement on setting limits for Iran.
"And the more Iran flouts the whole world, this coming together will, ultimately, reach a unanimity of positions and absolute similarity," he said.
(Editing by Mark Heinrich)
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By James Brown
The health benefits of omega 3 have been well document. Scientists have proven its ability to improve heart and brain function and contribute to a healthy immune system. It has been directly linked with everything from lowering cholesterol to improving memory. Now there?s yet another benefit that is turning heads; Omega 3 fatty acids can actually contribute to weight loss.
Omega 3 fish oil for obesity? It sounds a little farfetched, doesn?t it? But it?s actually true. The fact is, Omega 3 has many different positive effects on the body that can all add up to increased weight loss. It?s not a miracle cure, of course, and must be incorporated as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and plenty of exercise, but it can make a huge difference.
Among the many health benefits of omega 3 when it comes to losing weight is the fact that it can help to increase your body?s ability to burn fat. That?s because it lowers the amount of insulin in your body, which lowers your natural energy level. This, in turn, spurs the body to burn stored fat for the extra energy it needs, thus reducing the amount of fat you are carrying.
But that?s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to using fish oil for obesity. Omega 3?s can also increase your feeling of fullness, reducing your need to eat as often or as much. The less you eat, the fewer excess calories you have to burn and the more weight you can easily shed. It?s really that simple but even that isn?t the whole story.
What really makes Omega 3 work for weight loss is its ability to increase metabolism. Weight loss is as simple as burning more calories than you take in. The better your metabolism, the more energy you have and the more efficiently you?ll be able to burn off those calories. That?s really the best of the weight loss health benefits of omega 3.
That?s also why so many people are adding a natural fish oil supplement to their regular routine. But not all supplements are created equal. In order to use fish oil for obesity most effectively, you need to be sure that you are taking a supplement made from fish harvested in from pristine waters. These are the single best source for DHA rich fish oil.
So do your homework and find a healthy supplement that can give you all of the health benefits of omega 3, including the ability to lose weight more easily. Coupled with a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruit and vegetables and a good amount of regular exercise, this can be your key to feeling fitter and looking slimmer.
Weight loss can be a real challenge for all of us but it doesn?t have to be that way. Take the natural path toward shedding pounds by adding a safe, effective, all-natural fish oil supplement to your diet on a regular basis. You?ll feel the difference and your body will thank you for it.
James Brown is retired from the military and passionate about matters relating to health and fitness. With you being concerned about your health I suggest you add omega 3 fish oil to your daily diet. You can download a free fish oil buyer?s guide and obtain additional information on omega 3 fish oil by going to:=Fish Oil Omega 3 Supplement
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Many different individuals can take advantage of experimenting with a brand new activity like sportfishing! It enables you to invest some time in the open air and could be a solitary celebration a treadmill that you build a trip. Read this article for some wonderful guidelines on how to develop into a fantastic angler, even with past experience!
Cut the fish series! If your sea food you?d want to release has swallowed its hook, you are able to still get it safely during the normal water. Basically cut the fishing line as near the fish?s mouth that you can, then discharge it has standard. The stomach acid solution of your seafood is potent, and will be able to dissolve the connect.
When obtaining your species of fish or preparing it, it is recommended to continue to be cautious never to puncture the intestinal tract. If this takes place, the meats will likely be spoiled and you will be able to share with through the odor. When slicing a species of fish available, tend not to drill down as well seriously together with your blade and move the organs out gently.
Look into the hooks in your lures as well as any hooks currently on your own series to make sure that they can be sharp ample to create a huge seafood in. Once they will nevertheless scuff your nail they are ready to go, but if they are also blunt to do even that, then it is time and energy to transform them up.
Will not be inefficient while you are out angling and employ environmentally noise angling strategies. In the event you are not likely to be consuming the species of fish or making use of it for lure, send it back on the water therefore it can produce far more species of fish for generations to come. Constantly launch any species of fish you find that has run out of time of year.
Still fishing is one of the simplest varieties of sportfishing that can be done practically anyplace. You can accomplish it coming from a vessel, or from the pier. You can use a selection of lure according to what seafood you try to capture. Just be sure to have a bit of perseverance while you await a sea food to chew.
If you are looking at finding some good catfish, think about using hotdogs as bait. Surprisingly, catfish adore hotdogs. Simply cut off a fantastic sized area of the hotdog, drive the connect throughout the hotdog, style the connect and after that force the catch into the hotdog yet again.
Bring a pair of sunglasses together on the sportfishing trip. A high-high quality couple of polarized lens will enable you to obstruct the sun?s sun rays and they can also help you to view much deeper in the h2o in order to identify the species of fish. This will help you to make individuals crucial catches while keeping your vision harmless, when you are on this type of water.
Fishing can be an enjoyable hobby for anyone that reside by the h2o, or come up with a trip to the beachfront, lake or pond for several top quality angling. Studying the various sportfishing rods, lure, along with other factors may help you do well. Remember the following tips in order to commence fishing today!
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Article by Annie Hopkins
If you have sore cracks at the corner of your lips which is making everyday essentials such as eating, drinking and speaking excruciatingly painful, you may well have the common condition, angular cheilitis.
Successful natural treatment for cracked lip Corners needs to discover the underlying cause as well as stopping the condition returning. Also, fast, symptomatic relief is very important simply because this condition is so very painful. Although you can buy over the counter treatments and these will give some symptomatic relief, what they will not do is cure the condition completely.
There are various causes of cracked lip corners and with a little analysis, you might be able to discover just what the trigger has been in your particular case and therefore eliminate it. The main reason why the condition develops is due to excess moisture at the mouth edges, but treatment for cracked lip corners is not always as straightforward as you might think as usually, bacterial and fungal infections develop and without decisive and proper action, it will just get worse.
Some likely causes include badly fitting dentures, having folds of skin at the mouth edges (often caused by weight fluctuations or the aging process), thumb or finger sucking, pen biting or loss of facial muscle control. In addition, vitamin B12 deficiency can be a cause as can a lack of iron.
Treatment can include having ill fitting dentures corrected, using anti-nail biting liquid which tastes bitter, on the ends of pens or on fingers. Where no scabbing has occurred and the condition is very mild, try putting a thin film of petroleum jelly on the cracks or even try some unperfumed lip salve for temporary relief.
The key to successful natural treatment for cracked lip corners is starving the fungus and bacteria of what it needs to survive. By following the correct steps, you could be cured of angular cheilitis by the following day.
There is a very simple, speedy cure for cracked corners of lips which promises immediate relief and that you will be completely free of this condition overnight. It is available for immediate download and works for everyone.
Using everyday ingredients which you are likely to have to hand, you will find it hard to believe the simplicity of this remedy is and yet how powerful and fast-acting it is. Coming with a full, cast iron money-back guarantee, you can be completely assured that this will work for you. Please visit A Natural Cure For Angular Cheilitis to see natural treatment for cracked lip corners.
About the Author
Annie regularly reviews various health products and has a particular interest in women?s issues. However, her attention was drawn to Angular Cheilitis, a condition suffered by both men and women, when a friend of hers who was a long-term sufferer suddenly found a cure. She called the cure ?miraculous? and, after some research, Annie found that the cure did indeed work extremely fast, with most users being delighted with the effects.
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whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.
Annie regularly reviews various health products and has a particular interest in women?s issues. However, her attention was drawn to Angular Cheilitis, a condition suffered by both men and women, when a friend of hers who was a long-term sufferer suddenly found a cure. She called the cure ?miraculous? and, after some research, Annie found that the cure did indeed work extremely fast, with most users being delighted with the effects.
Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.
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Contact: David Eve
Cell Transplantation Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair
Tampa, Fla. (Sep. 25, 2012) In a study to investigate how transplanted islet cells can differentiate and mature into insulin-producing pancreatic cells, a team of Japanese researchers found that using a specific set of transcription factors (proteins that bind to specific DNA sequences) could be transduced into mouse pancreatic stem cells (mPSCs) using Sendai virus (SeV), a mouse influenza virus, as a carrier, or vector. The study is published in a recent issue of Cell Medicine [3(1)], now freely available on-line at:
"Diabetes is one of the most serious and prevalent metabolic diseases," said study co-author Dr. Hiroshi Yukawa, Department of Advanced Medicine in Biotechnology and Robotics, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine. "Islet cell transplantation has proven effective, however this strategy requires sufficient organ donors."
Given the shortage of donors, the researchers investigated factors that could impact on the expansion and differentiation of pancreatic stem cells (PSCs) into insulin-producing cells using combinations of varieties of transcription factors and the SeV mouse virus to carry the cells, thus increasing the number of functional islet cells available for transplantation.
SeV vectors, said the researchers, are superior to conventional virus vectors because "they do not go through a DNA phase" and can introduce foreign genes without toxicity into a variety of cell types.
The combination of transcription factors that produced the greatest impact on the differentiation of PSCs into insulin cells was Pdx-1 (Pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1), NeuroD (neurogenic differentiation) and MafA (musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene A). "Our data suggest that the transduction of transcription factors using SeV vectors facilitates mPSCs differentiation into insulin producing cells and showed the possibility of regenerating B-cells by using transduced PSCs," concluded the researchers.
This research was among those studies presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Organ Preservation and Medical Biology (JSOPMB). Sixteen studies were published in this special issue of CELL MEDICINE. The theme of the issue is "Organ/Cell Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine."
Citation. Yukawa, H.; Noguchi, H.; Oishi, K.; Miyamoto, Y.; Inoue, M.; Hasegawa, M.; Hayashi, S. Differentiation of Mouse Pancreatic Stem Cells into Insulin-Producing Cells by Recombinant Sendai Virus-Mediated Gene Transfer Technology Cell Med. 3(1):51-61; 2012.
Contact: Hiroshi Yukawa, Immuno-therapy Research Group, Fundamental Research Department, Central R&D Laboratory, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., LTD
Tel: ++ 81-72-640-0114; Fax ++81-72-640-0118
The editorial offices for CELL MEDICINE are at the Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair, College of Medicine, the University of South Florida. Contact, David Eve, PhD. at
News Release by Florida Science Communications.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: David Eve
Cell Transplantation Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair
Tampa, Fla. (Sep. 25, 2012) In a study to investigate how transplanted islet cells can differentiate and mature into insulin-producing pancreatic cells, a team of Japanese researchers found that using a specific set of transcription factors (proteins that bind to specific DNA sequences) could be transduced into mouse pancreatic stem cells (mPSCs) using Sendai virus (SeV), a mouse influenza virus, as a carrier, or vector. The study is published in a recent issue of Cell Medicine [3(1)], now freely available on-line at:
"Diabetes is one of the most serious and prevalent metabolic diseases," said study co-author Dr. Hiroshi Yukawa, Department of Advanced Medicine in Biotechnology and Robotics, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine. "Islet cell transplantation has proven effective, however this strategy requires sufficient organ donors."
Given the shortage of donors, the researchers investigated factors that could impact on the expansion and differentiation of pancreatic stem cells (PSCs) into insulin-producing cells using combinations of varieties of transcription factors and the SeV mouse virus to carry the cells, thus increasing the number of functional islet cells available for transplantation.
SeV vectors, said the researchers, are superior to conventional virus vectors because "they do not go through a DNA phase" and can introduce foreign genes without toxicity into a variety of cell types.
The combination of transcription factors that produced the greatest impact on the differentiation of PSCs into insulin cells was Pdx-1 (Pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1), NeuroD (neurogenic differentiation) and MafA (musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene A). "Our data suggest that the transduction of transcription factors using SeV vectors facilitates mPSCs differentiation into insulin producing cells and showed the possibility of regenerating B-cells by using transduced PSCs," concluded the researchers.
This research was among those studies presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Organ Preservation and Medical Biology (JSOPMB). Sixteen studies were published in this special issue of CELL MEDICINE. The theme of the issue is "Organ/Cell Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine."
Citation. Yukawa, H.; Noguchi, H.; Oishi, K.; Miyamoto, Y.; Inoue, M.; Hasegawa, M.; Hayashi, S. Differentiation of Mouse Pancreatic Stem Cells into Insulin-Producing Cells by Recombinant Sendai Virus-Mediated Gene Transfer Technology Cell Med. 3(1):51-61; 2012.
Contact: Hiroshi Yukawa, Immuno-therapy Research Group, Fundamental Research Department, Central R&D Laboratory, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., LTD
Tel: ++ 81-72-640-0114; Fax ++81-72-640-0118
The editorial offices for CELL MEDICINE are at the Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair, College of Medicine, the University of South Florida. Contact, David Eve, PhD. at
News Release by Florida Science Communications.
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JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) ? A conservative fundraising group that had shied away from Missouri Rep. Todd Akin is now seriously considering whether to come to the embattled Republican's aid in his challenge to Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill, an official with the group said Monday.
The Senate Conservatives Fund, which has raised more than $11 million for other Republican Senate candidates, could provide a much-needed financial boost for Akin, who is facing a Tuesday deadline on whether to stay in the race. Akin vowed again Monday to remain in the contest. Appearing at a Kirkwood, Mo., rally with former presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich, Akin said there had been discussions with the super PAC but no official agreement on aiding him.
The group previously had shied away from Akin, in part, because of his past use of spending earmarks to direct federal money to specific local projects. Earmarks now are banned in the Republican-controlled House, and Senate Republicans have voted not to use them.
In the primary, Akin aired an ad that touted a life saved by federal funding that some considered an earmark. But in a statement to The Associated Press last week, Akin said he backs a prohibition on earmarks in some circumstances.
"I support a ban on earmarks that are inserted in the dark of night or that are used by party leaders to buy support for their wasteful spending bills," Akin said in the written statement. "However, I want to make sure that Congress does its constitutional duty and retains the power of the purse rather than giving unelected bureaucrats all the power in Washington, D.C."
McCaskill, a vocal opponent of earmarks, suggested Akin had changed his position on earmarks in attempt to get campaign cash.
Akin's campaign is hoping to capitalize financially this week by demonstrating his resolve to remain in the race despite calls by some top Republicans that he quit after making inflammatory remarks about rape and pregnancy.
"There's no poll that shows this race is impossible," Gingrich said Monday. "I believe by mid-October all of them (Republican supporters) will be in."
Tuesday is the deadline for Missouri candidates to get a court order if they wish to drop out of the race. Akin has other plans for the day ? a campaign bus tour.
Republican leaders are not expected to pitch in. But Akin could get some other help, from a political action committee built in part by tea party star Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina.
The Senate Conservatives Fund had remained neutral in Missouri's Republican Senate primary, which Akin won in early August. But since then, Akin has discussed and clarified his position on earmarks with the organization, one official said.
"Our understanding is he supports an earmark ban," Matt Hoskins, director of the Senate Conservatives Fund, said Monday.
The organization supports a ban or moratorium on earmarks that use legislation to direct a specific amount of money for a specific purpose in a certain state or congressional district.
Akin denied Monday that he had flip-flopped.
"The thing that makes it tricky for people to follow is there are a lot of different definitions," Akin said. "What I am totally against are things that are done in the dark of night, there's been no legislative approval and they're special deals for people."
He added: "The question is when you get into just plain amendments that have gone through subcommittees and committees and things like that, as long as those are not directed to any particular company ... those are things that, as we've talked to DeMint, we're exactly on the same page using the same definition. So there's been no change in our position. And no change in his position either."
Hoskins said the group is looking "very seriously" at supporting Akin, because it appears he will not drop out, still has a good shot at defeating McCaskill and generally aligns ideologically with the organization.
Akin has apologized repeatedly since a TV interview aired Aug. 19 in which he suggested that women's bodies have a natural defense against pregnancy in cases of "legitimate rape." After that remark, Akin lost the financial support of the Republican National Committee, the Republican senators' political committee and the deep-pocketed Crossroads group affiliated with Republican strategist Karl Rove. That nixed millions of dollars of planned TV advertising.
Since then, Akin has raised nearly $600,000 through a small-dollar, online appeal that has cast his candidacy as an anti-establishment crusade against both Republican Party bosses and President Barack Obama's administration.
During the primary, Akin had been criticized by Republican rivals for supporting earmarks. Akin responded with a TV ad in which the wife of a military veteran said her husband's life was saved by a newly armored Humvee financed at Akin's initiative through "what some call earmarks."
McCaskill has co-sponsored legislation with DeMint to ban earmarks, and her position has often put her at odds with her own party's leadership.
McCaskill's campaign suggested that Akin has shifted his views on earmarks in hopes of getting money for his Senate campaign.
"What kind of Washington politician runs an ad defending earmarks in the primary, then two months later, turns around and changes his position on a dime, for a dime? This is exactly the kind of transactional politics that makes people sick," said McCaskill spokesman Caitlin Legacki.
Salter reporter from Kirkwood, Mo.
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Karen L. King/Harvard University via Reuters
A previously unknown scrap of ancient papyrus written in ancient Egyptian Coptic is pictured in this undated handout photo obtained by Reuters September 18, 2012. The papyrus has four words written in Coptic that provide the first unequivocal evidence that within 150 years of his death, some followers of Jesus, believed him to have been married.
By Becky Bratu, NBC News
If a fourth-century fragment of papyrus that purportedly quotes Jesus telling his disciples about "my wife" is authenticated, it could upend the modern church?s understanding of the ?son of God.?
?If Jesus is a normal human being and he?s sexual, that?s the real fear,? James Tabor, a biblical scholar at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and the co-author of books about Jesus and his family, told NBC News. ?You can?t think of Jesus like that because he?s too holy.?
The Bible contains no explicit mentions of Jesus being either married or not married, but few churches have room for the idea of a sexual Jesus. The Catholic Church?s celibate priesthood is built on the belief that Jesus was not married. Eastern Orthodox priests are often married, but the church teachings don?t mention a married Jesus. Protestant ministers are allowed to marry, but there again, it is not common to teach that Jesus himself was married.
Reality check on Jesus and his 'wife'
"I would say that the more conservative groups might be more inclined to be bothered by the idea of a married Jesus, and especially that he might have had a child, god forbid, since that would really raise questions about his "divinity," since they see him as fully human and fully God," Tabor subsequently explained in an email.
"Can God sleep with a woman and have a child? It just doesn't fit the concept they want for Jesus," he said.
New questions are being raised about whether Jesus was married after Dr. Karen King, a historian at Harvard Divinity School, found an ancient papyrus with words translated to Jesus referencing a wife. NBC's Anne Thompson reports.
The Unification Church, however, does believe that Jesus was supposed to get married, and some of the early teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints stated Jesus was married and even fathered children, according to Cky Carrigan of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, although that belief is not widespread today.
The Mormon and the Unification Church?s beliefs, however, have more to do with their own theology of marriage rather than with scripture, Ben Witherington III, a New Testament professor at the Asbury Theological Seminary, told NBC News.
Unlike their modern counterparts, there is evidence that some early Christians -- the Valentinian Gnostics -- believed Jesus was married, according to April DeConick, a biblical scholar at Rice University. The recently discovered papyrus, she told NBC News, would be the second piece of evidence from an ancient Christian gospel that early Christians were not bothered by the idea of a married Jesus. The first piece of evidence -- which DeConick said comes from the Gospel of Philip -- identifies Mary Magdalene as Jesus' wife.
NYT: Historian says piece of papyrus refers to Jesus' wife
Karen L. King, the Harvard Divinity School professor who unveiled the papyrus, cautioned that the discovery does not serve as evidence that the historical Jesus was married.
Harvard University/Rose Lincoln/EPA
Karen L. King, the Hollis Professor of Divinity at Harvard University holds a previously unknown ancient papyrus fragment from Egypt that has four words written in Coptic that provide the first unequivocal evidence that within 150 years of his death, some followers of Jesus, believed him to have been married.
"This new gospel doesn't prove that Jesus was married, but it tells us that the whole question only came up as part of vociferous debates about sexuality and marriage,? King said in a press release. ?From the very beginning, Christians disagreed about whether it was better not to marry, but it was over a century after Jesus' death before they began appealing to Jesus' marital status to support their positions."
The Christians who eventually became dominant, DeConick said, believed celibacy was the route to heaven.
?Catholicism was deeply shaped by monasticism in its formative period,? Witherington said, adding that he thinks this belief brought about ?a very deficient view of the goodness of human sexuality as a gift from god.?
?There?s just nothing biblical about that,? he argued. But Catholics couldn?t imagine Jesus as married, because that would have ?tainted? his holy image, he said.
DeConick, who explored sex and gender in early Christianity in her book, ?Holy Misogyny,? said that in the ancient world, the female body was considered weak, pitiful and wretched.
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?We have so many hundreds of years of an understanding of sexuality that in some way sex is not divine, it?s not sacred,? she said. ?It?s going to be a long hard road for people to see a figure that they think is god as being engaged in a sexual activity ? even with a wife.?
Witherington believes most churches will likely be ambivalent about a married Jesus because the implications are unclear. But he said some liberal Protestants might even accept the idea that Jesus could have had children in the same way as some Protestant churches no longer teach the doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary.
?It doesn?t mean [the children]'d be as perfect as dad,? he said. ?That would be a hard act to follow whether you?re a wife or a kid.?
The public, however, appears more open to the idea of a married Jesus. Ongoing for centuries, the debate about the possibility that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene was also the subject of author Dan Brown?s bestseller, ?The Da Vinci Code.? Both the book and the recent discovery of the papyrus fragment that reignited the debate have garnered a positive reaction from the public.
?Maybe it makes him more human for us,? Tabor said.
Witherington, who wrote a book debunking some of the statements made in ?The Da Vinci Code,? said he encountered the same ?enormous positive reaction? on his book tour at the time.
?There was such a willingness to believe that what Dan Brown was saying was the gospel about Jesus,? he said.
?Jesus was an early Jew. I don?t think Jesus had any qualms about marriage,? Witherington added. ?But [Jesus] also thinks it was perfectly viable for an able-bodied man to become single for the sake of [god?s] kingdom.?
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In most cases, the online presentation of your real estate company, your products and your services is crucial to the number of customers and their confidence in your company. In this context, real estate website templates and inspiration from the best websites is an essential part of the design process.
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Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links, and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links (at no extra cost to you). I recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing any product or service. This article is not a guideline, a recommendation or endorsement of specific products.
To do it the right way, we need to think of real estate websites as a funnel, which has to attract and retain potential buyers in such a way that they take the actions, we want them to. This is not going to happen all by it selves. Therefore, I have decided to share some best practice guidelines, and real estate website templates to get you started.
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You need to provide free and valuable information to get enough and relevant traffic to your website and become known as a brand that is an authority in the field, your website must contain the relevant information for home buyers. Example from
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Send relevant, ongoing? follow-up mails and consider whether it makes sense contacting? the possible customer and offer your advice or other services.
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Most real estate websites use a web form with various input fields ? such as property type, property features, price range, zip code, etc. They also show listing on a map like this example from
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For more inspiration check out some of the leading real estate websites like Yahoo Real Estate,, Zillow, Trulia, MSN Real Estate and
I hope you find this information helpful. Please share it to friends and colleagues and remember to give us feedback in the comment section.
Andy started writing on Tripwire back in 2010. He is into WordPress topics, Web design, Web-development and also interested in SEO and Online Marketing. He?s also writing for other blogs and he is a passionate blues musician and a family-man as well.
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