Today I stand before you to introduce a woman who is no stranger to the community of South Caicos. Her umbilical cord was cut in the south caicos clinic and she ran around conch ground bay and dive off Johnson dock just like all of us who was blessed to grow up on this rock. She is the Daughter of Lewis Cox and the late Ceely Cox (miss.ceely).
Edith went through all phases of education and now holds a CPA which is the highest qualification an accountant can have. She has never been in any problems with the law. She is a woman of character and lives by godly principles which was instilled in her from young by her Christian mother. Today Edith Cox wants to make a difference in the Social and Economic Development of SOUTH CAICOS ? the place she calls home, where she enjoyed her early childhood, where her family members reside, where the previous administration neglected. South Caicos Edds want to change the state of our beloved island. Edds is no new face when it comes to helping the people of South Caicos.
She is always there to lend a helping hand. She has always been donating to various causes and helping residents who may fall short along the way. She has always had and still has the people of South Caicos at heart. The opposition tries to blur your vision by throwing up her family back ground and talking about their successes, well thank them for the publicity because Edds wants to provide Employment and Educational opportunities for all of you so that you can have the same successes that she has. She is who she is because someone believed in her and she now believes in each and every one of you. Edd doesn?t just want to create employment and educational opportunities but she wants to upgrade our medical care system.
PNP argue that they gave us a state of the art clinic but what good is a clinic with no physician, nurses, doctors or medication. One must realize that to have perfect infrastructure without qualified personnel is a waste of time and money therefore Edds will make sure that not another islander has to be flown to other islands for basic medical attention but that this services will be provided to you, the people right here in South Caicos because we will have our very own medical practitioners. Gone will be the days when folks are almost dead or die on their way to getting medical attention or have to be send to different pharmacy?s because of lack of medication. Under the pdm administration with Edds as your representative this will happen no more YES I SAID IT ?It will happen no more.?
Social problems are at an all time high in the island. It is because of the low employment rate and lack of development that cause this to happen. We see more and more of the fishing industry that we heavily depend on decreasing everyday hence we must come up with better solutions to our social problems. What will Edds do to correct social issues faced in Harbour?
1. Create Job opportunities so that islanders can become financially independent. Forget about giving you a few dollars to pay your light bill in November then you sleep in darkness in December _ that was PNP. With Edds on your side you will be gainfully employed so that you can better take care of you household expenses and kids.
2. Create Education Opportunities ? help students find the best option for education, training or work-based learning that will help them build their skills and be more compatible in the jobs market.
3. Development ? would?t you like to see a 747 jet touch down on our runway? Well Edds wants to make that dream come true. You see she wants to put some force behind the proper authorities so that we can have our million dollar airport that the Turks and caicos government already paid for.
But if you think that is all, how would you feel about East Bay and High Point Resort being demanded to give an opening date. You want it! you got it! Come November 9th Vote Edds for you representative and I?m telling you before the last bell rings, the opening dates for both hotels will be announced.
4. Animal Control- she will create an animal shelter, where stray and abandoned animal will be kept. This will provide a safe environment for these animals. Not only will they be protected but she will create a program where these animals can be trained and used to create lasting experiences for tourist and residents alike. She will also create an opportunity for these animals to find loving home with owners that can care for them through an adopt a pet program.
5. Youth Center ? Edds believe the children are the future. She wants to give them the opportunity to show the beauty they possess inside and give them a sense of pride by providing opportunities to show their abilities whether in Speaking, sports, Music, Art or Computer. This center will have daily after school programs where students can come and be mentored by adults and helped with their home work. The basket ball court and the salina will be revived to make it more comfortable for the respective sporting activities. After we made headlines at the Carifta game with Wendrico and Kivarno we should at least have proper facilities for aspiring athletes to practice on. This is what Edds is about. Through the new Youth reform she will revive in the community the brownies, girl guides, scouts and cadet core which made the kids feel like they were apart of a special family of their peers. This taught them discipline and how to treat one another That?s what Edds is about. This is just to name a few areas Edds wants to touch when she becomes your representative come November 9th. This day and age we need a representative who can face any music (whether rock n roll, calypso or meringue) One who will stand up for you the people. If you are tired of the empty promises, the unfinished projects, the 50cents handouts, the lies, and the mockery of the opposition than here is a woman who has come to your rescue South Caicos. You do not have to be held hostage to the pnp shenanigans anymore. If you want education opportunities, employment opportunities and development to kick off in Harbour then follow the one that you no is true! The one that is Blue! The one that will look out for you! VOTE EDDS as your next representative on NOVEMBER 9th. If you can remember the days when this was the big south than picture this with Edds as your representative this will happen again. You don?t have to listen to any more whining from the opposition about what they have done because Stevie wonder can see that the people are still hurting, jobless, with inadequate health care, no youth activities, no development and the promise they always brag about NO AIRPORT and the tower on the ground. WE deserve better than this South Caicos. If you want the big back in South make some noiseeeeeeeee. Let me tell you something the fact that the opposition come to you with the same faces that are currently under scrutiny in the nation an abroad is proof enough that they have only changed their slogan. They want to tell you that their candidate will be the best thing for Harbour. They know just like how there was no space for him on the vegas runs and the shopping sprees in Bahamas there will be no space for him in cabinet. Therefore there will be no representation for South Caicos.
If you need someone to do the as I know him/her speech for a funeral then choose Mr Saunders! But if you want someone who will create opportunities for you to provide for your families, who will bring in development and create opportunities and activities for the youth, keep them off the streets and out of trouble, if you want to see a cleaner greener South Caicos if you want to see the ?big? back in South, if you want the truth and great representations, if you want someone who will make decisions with the people of Harbour in mind then the choice is clear. The right choice, the right change the right representative EDITH ?EDDS? COX. The saying goes stand for something or fall for anything. I leave you with one thing in mind the SIPT investigations and statistics proves why the previous administration couldn?t do anything for you the people because their hands were tied. They were in the cookie jar living the life. They had the things you dream about at your expense. They took advantage of you the people. The decision they made were not to benefit you that why to date you are forced to take packages that doesn?t even cover you mortgages or your car note. Residents its time for a change. You must not fall hostage to the PNP lies and empty promises any more. The future of this island is at stake, the future of your kids is at stake. BE WISE OPEN YOU EYES, REALIZE that if you want a change Edds is here to allow you to have that change you so desire. This election is not one that can be taken lightly. Its time for us to make a change. You see the old way wasn?t working so we got to try something NEW. I say the old way was to fake we need to try something TRUE. I say out with the YELLOW and in with the BLUE and I guarantee you they will be true to you ! Vote Edith Cox & the Bell on November 9th
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