- Lisa Spector
- January 4, 2013
- 5:03 pm
get healthy living updates
While people have been making their own new year?s resolutions, I decided to let my dogs, Sanchez and Gina, make mine for me. Here?s what they had to say:
- Spend more time at the piano (We love sleeping under it while you play.)
- Take more breaks from the computer
- Remember to play (especially with us)
- Perform more concerts for dogs
- Be patient with me in my senior years (from Sanchez). I?m giving you an opportunity to slow down and remember that every moment in life is a gift.
If your pets made your new year?s resolutions, what would they say? Thanks for telling us in a comment below.
Have you seen the new Adoptable Pets page on Care2? Check it out here! Please also share with your friends. We?d love your help in finding homes for these adorable animals!
Receive a FREE DOWNLOAD from the Through a Dog?s Ear:
Calm your Canine Companion Music Series
Simply click here, enter your email address and a link to the free download will be delivered to your inbox for you and your canine household to enjoy!
Read more: Behavior & Communication, Cats, Dogs, Humor & Inspiration, Pets, animal shelters, Calm dogs, Concerts for dogs, Dog Agility, dog rescues, Lisa Spector, through a dog's ear
Lisa Spector
Lisa Spector is a concert pianist, Juilliard graduate, and canine music expert. She is Co-founder of Through a Dog's Ear, the first music clinically demonstrated to calm the canine nervous system. Their new Canine Noise Phobia series is a breakthrough treatment and prevention program for canine noise sensitivities. Lisa shares her home and her heart with her two "career change" Labrador Retrievers from Guide Dogs for the Blind, Sanchez and Gina. Follow Lisa's blog here.
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Source: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/if-our-pets-made-our-new-years-resolutions.html
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